Tuesday, December 9, 2008

HCMC, Vietnam

Biz Trip : Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
18-20/Nov 2008
HCMC has not change much since my last visit around 2 years ago. Motor cycles are still the kings of the road (they are every where...). Roads are crawded and, roadside r full with people..

Before the meeting (I arrived 1 day before the meeting), I hv chance to further explore the city. Setelah jalan kaki sendirian muter muter kota Vietnam, I picked one of the roadside restaurant for Pho (the Vietnamese soap noodle). Pho -nya biasa-biasa aja, but, yang menarik, across my table the local are socialising... Parents sit on the roadside, sharing foods while children are playing close by. Yang make me stay longer and wathced is the childrean r playing a familiar game... We call the game "Cak lang King" in Bangka... Ternyata...games nya sama..


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