Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Alam Sari - Sunday,17 Feb 2008

For complete pictures, click here to visit my space

Sudah menjadi kebiasaan keluarga kami, setiap minggu selalu ada "family outing".

The "family outing" (biasanya hari minggu setelah pulang gereja) , can be a visit ke mall, visit ke relatives, makan bareng di restaurant atau, apa aja yang penting seluruh keluarga ngumpul.

Memang ongkosnya mahal, tapi, I believe it is worthy. Sering-sering ngumpul bersama anak-anak sekarang, mumpung mereka masih mau ngumpul-ngupul dengan kita. A few years from now, they will have their own friends, and, might prefer to go out with their friend instead of the out dated parents...

This week, we visited Restaurant "Alam Sari" di dekat Bukit Indah, Kerawang....Lunch and, maen sampe sore....

tjenjanto kosasih//

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