Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Nini's Birthday

NINI B'day!!

We were invited for a dinner untuk HUT Nini di restoran Huang Ting (Taman Anggrek Mall).

Again...no body remember to bring a camera...I have taken a whole loads of picture using my new Samsung HP; but somehow, karena salah pencet (maklum HP baru)...all the pictures taken were deleted...

Untung masih ada satu yang selamat (karena tadi nya photo yg di attached ini akan di edit)...

Kesimpulan : do not rely on technology... one miss-click, all deleted. Pictures can be lost but memory remains...

Anyway, Nini, HAPPY Belated Birthday..... from me and family

Jakarta, Jan2008

1 comment:

  1. thanks a lot guys...
    untung masih ada sisa 1, not the best but the only one left hehe.. not to bad lahh hehe.
    thanks ya ko..


Thks for yr comments